Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Reflection 11

Reflect on what you perceive to be your own areas of strength and what competencies you feel you need to work hardest to develop given your professional goals.State and describe at least three compentencies you'd like to develop and why.


I think my strengths lie in the fact that I am not afraid to try things I am not familiar with. I know enough to figure out most applications if I am given enough time to do them. This comes in handy in the public education field because training doesn't always happen.My school has implemented several programs such as photo story, open office, novell:groupwise, Infinite Campus, picasa, Schoolwires and several others.One of my other strengths is that I enjoy helping my colleagues with learning how to use and implement them into their curriculum. They seem comfortable to ask me for help and if I don't know how to do something, I will try to figure it out. I guess I could categorize this as staff development.


My weaknesses lie in the fact that I have been exposed to so little! This class has forced me to explore new programs and think about curriculum development in a new way. There is so much for me to learn. The hard part, but yet exciting, is that I will never know everything in the field because of the way it constantly changes.


Training Manager
I would love to develop my competencies as a training manager as helping my colleagues is one of my passions. I desire to help them be excited about the technology that is available to them to enhance their communication and their teaching. I am currently on the TAG (Technology Advisory Group)team and am developing curriculum for first grade. The development of the curriculum is challenging,but what I really enjoy is sharing it with the staff.

Instructional Designer
Out of necessity, I would like to develop the skills needed to better design. As a teacher in the public sector, we often design our own lessons and put together a curriculum that has been mandated. This isn't my passion because organization and making sure every aspect is considered is difficult for me. I often can see the end goal, but have trouble figuring out how I will get people there.

Evaluate the Design
As a classroom teacher, I always find myself questioning why we do thing the way we do. Is it best for kids? Does it make sense for the teacher? Are students learning the key concepts? Are the key concepts clearly defined? My experience with this is only in the education sector. I have served on several committees that try to redesign the way things are working. It seems like we are constantly doing things in a trial and error basis. I would like to work on how to do this with the methods introduced in the chapters we have read and become a leader in this area.


Jeff Tyler said...


You made the statement that you feel you have been exposed to so little. I feel the same way when it comes to some of the technology used in this class. It is kind of funny how easy it can be to get pigeonholed into our daily professional life and fall behind in other areas. I personally feel that there is so much emerging technology that unless you work in the IT field, or really love to play with this stuff, you cannot stay up with all of it.

Jeff Tyler

Anonymous said...

Not being afraid to try new things is a great strenght to have. I feel like sometimes teachers are afraid and maybe a little overwhelmed when trying new things. But like you said most of time with some practice they can be figured out. Great point about technology always changing. Its important as teachers to try to stay as up to date as possible even though this can sometimes be a daunting task. I also find it cool that you are interested in training. Whenever I am able to help other staff in my building I love it. Especially because I am fairly new and most of them have been around for awile. So most instances there the ones helping me but with some of these technology tools I have an oppurtunity to help them.
tony vitto

Katherine said...

“This isn't my passion because organization and making sure every aspect is considered is difficult for me.”
It is really hard teach when your guidelines are so ridged, but do you think there is a better way to make sure that all students in every classroom in every city and in every state will be given an equal level of education and be equally prepared to compete against other students?
