Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What was your favorite activity of the semester and why?

It is hard to choose just one activity! I enjoyed creating the blog and the web page! I also enjoyed learning about a variety of programs! As a representative of the District Technology Group and am constantly wondering what type of programs are available and how these programs could help us with educating our students and preparing them for the job market. I realize that I teach first grade, but you would be amazed at what they can accomplish! I really enjoyed being exposed to new programs, especially those of the Open Source nature. My district is all for using technology, but it is even better if it won't cost them any money! Thanks for a great experience!


hayesmelissa said...

I agree the web pages were quite fun to build!!


Joe Sobeske said...

If you are talking about the wiki, that was my favorite part too. There is so much out there for free it blows me away. Now I an see why our district's IT guy keeps wanting us to try free stuff first before we buy software. Often it works just fine and that is being a good steward of tax payer money.

Karel de Waal Malefyt said...

I agree completely that being exposed to multiple "open" resources via the internet has been great. Money is always tight, and when there are opportunities to improve sans breaking the bank, that should be seen as a success.